Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sisters, Sisters

My sis and her cute family like 2 years ago...sorry it's an old pic!
I just wanted to post about what a fabulous family I joke! This is our 11th move, our 5th move in 6 years, and only the second where I have had family help. Usually when the military moves you, it is to an area where you know no one...maybe one person if you are lucky. Our last move to Virginia we had emailed someone there who helped us with the kids the day the movers were here and brought us dinner one night. Which was wonderful and so much help.

This move has been a completely different story: My sister took the girls the day of the move and my mom came to help with Ben (and little Dave since he insisted he would be with us to "help out"). She stayed until 9:00 that night, even unpacking my kitchen and bringing lunch since we couldn't leave the movers here alone to go get food. The next day my sister-in-law Kelly brought dinner over...we took a slight hiatus from unpacking to welcome my little brother Scott home from his mission to Chile (isn't he a cutie pie-watch out ladies)...
Tuesday I wasn't feeling good at all and my sister who can't take no for an answer, came over and did my laundry, unloaded my dishes and cooked dinner so I could get more unpacking done. Knowing that if it was left up to me the kids would be running around starving in dirty underwear. Today again Kelly took the girls so we didn't have to entertain them and has offered to do it again, and my other sister in law (who has also been sick with the same junk I've got) has planned a day to come over and help me strip wallpaper off my walls. (The previous owners were VERY fond of wallpaper borders). SO I just wanted to say how much I love and appreciate my family-they are the best best best. It has been wonderful to move here and have instant friends, people you can count on and even enjoy being with. You are all wunderbar!!

1 comment:

Kjrsten said...

you have such a wonderful family rach! anna and I are always saying how you "rick dyer" girls are the sweetest of all sweetness! This little story about your lovely sisters warms my heart! I love it!

So excited to see you in Pasco! house pics soon!!!!