After a looooong hiatus I have had a desire to get back to blogging. First as a journal for our family and second because it helps me to see the good in my life and recognize how our Father in Heaven is blessing me every day. So to begin, I will give a little info on each member of our family.
School ended and so the obligatory last day of school pictures. Savannah has had a great year, she is almost 13, got new glasses after a year of not wearing them she realizes how important they are to help her see better. She did dance team, track and piano this year. What a sweetheart she is and very helpful to me.
Isabella had a great year, she is so friendly and her mind goes a million miles a minute. She is always planning, plotting and thinking about her next big project/game/event. She did track this spring also and loved it. Right now she is plotting how to get horseback riding lessons.
James is so sweet, talks a ton-and loves to sing. His favorite song is Let it Go and his favorite movie is BEE DOO-or as everyone else calls it, Despicable Me.
David, is almost finished with drivers ed so watch out on the roads. He is growing up to be a good example of trying to do what is right. He is a master scriptorian in seminary and got A's and B's.
Ben graduated from Kindergarten. Only a few tears were shed. He loved his teacher Ms. Fuller and had a great year, learning to read and was very social.
This is classic Emily, she is always taking selfless. She can touch her tongue to her nose, and that is talent if you ask me.
This is Dave, holding a picture at the temple for one of my crazy schemes. He is getting pretty patient with me in his old age. I guess everyone can learn that keeping the wife happy is the right thing to do. J/K
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