Monday, November 22, 2010


The spookiest time of year was the week of Ben's surgery.

So we carved pumpkins while he slept on the couch
And he carved his the next day

His costume ( and smile) lasted for about 20 minutes, no trick or treating for him this year by the time we got to the halloween party he was done for the evening.

Pumpkin Waffles, YUMMY!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

E is for

Sweet smelling, giggling, chubby cheeking, rolling over, kissing, goodness

Now a word from Our sponsors...

This post should be titled, why I haven't updated in 3 let's begin with a list of what has been going on in our lives:

1. Our roof leaked, like leaked leaked, like has been silently leaking for 6 years and finally went through the ceiling, like $6000 of damages thank heaven for homeowners insurance leaked. So we got the thrill of organizing the fixing of the roof.

2. After much prayer, fasting, and frustration Dave gave his 90 day notice at work. Not knowing what would happen or where he would work after the 90 days were up. Stress ensued.

3. Baby keeps growing & growing

4. Reading stories to 4th grade classes, band concerts, popcorn sale, back to school nights, homework & parent-teacher conferences all the fun of having 3 in school.

5. The month after giving his notice at work, Dave's boss pretty much stopped scheduling patients for him. He went from a full schedule to an empty schedule and since he is 100% paid on comission, and they would make him come in at 8 for a $30 procedure and then back at 4 for another $100 procedure and you can't feed a family of 7 on that he decided to take an extended staycation at home.

6. THE VERY NEXT DAY Ben tripped and broke his arm...and had to be rushed to the ER to have it x-rayed. They put a splint on it and told us the local ortho would call us if there was an urgent need but if not to come in on Friday for a cast.

7. After no phone call, and Dave going out of town for a dental conference we go in Friday for a cast only to have the ortho team tell us that Ben had to have emergency surgery the following Monday morning to have a metal pin put in his arm...mommy cries.

8. Surgery went well, I am so thankful for skilled surgeons. The most traumatic thing as a mother is to watch your baby be wheeled away and to be powerless to help or fix or comfort. Thank heaven for prayer and priesthood blessings. We now look forward to the pin removal surgery right before Christmas.

So if trouble comes in 3's I am ready for our fair share to be over this year. I am enjoying having Dave home, we haven't spent this much time together in a long time so it is fun. Plus he is a super big help with the kids while I finish up my math class.

Now for pictures: (in reverse order)

Ben sneaking ranch straight from the jar-I vomit in my mouth a little every time we catch him doing this!
Prime Halo Reach playing Seat must be shared with a friend!
Mom, I a baby today
Post Surgery...
The day before the break, catching frogs on the deck
Stinkin photogs won't leave me alone! (j/k)
Happy Birthday Grandma
Cheer Camp MVHS
Go Thunder!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Day of School

This was an epic start of the school year for our family. David went to middle school...which brings so many thoughts to me like...where did the time did he grow up so fast...will he be okay in middle school...etc. But he did great, and I promise I only cried a little when the kids left, although the house was way too quiet! We started off the day with our tradition of giving the kids schultuttes a German tradition. They are filled with candy and school supplies. The kids love it and kept asking when they would get them. This year they got them the morning of the first day. Bella who can't remember the name and calls them tooters. The kids were all prepped for school, bags packed, fathers blessings given so the morning went very smoothly for us.

Isabella with her tooter

David, 6th grade...middle school
Live long and prosper
Mom quit taking pictures and let me go...
Savannah, sweet & quiet...4th grade Ms. Boyle

Isabella, our wild child...1st Grade Ms. DeVet

Ben wanted to go to school so badly, he was all ready. The minute the bus doors closed and he realized he wasn't getting on he burst into tears. He misses Bella so much when she is gone all day!

Making cookies for an afterschool treat
The resident chunk, aren't those cheeks to die for! The after school report was that the teachers are wonderful, David loves band & choir his electives this term and everyone was happy.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


10 days before Emily was born we lost my wonderful grandfather. I haven't blogged about it because my emotions were out of control and even though they are still pretty tender I wanted to share how much I love grandpa and how blessed I am by his life and example. I have always felt very close to my grandparents, and still miss my grandmother dearly even though she has been gone for over 2 years. To me they are examples of people who did their very best to love their family and live their faith. I am comforted knowing they are together again, and that their marriage is an eternal one. And I am thankful that I have their example to follow as I live my own life.

Love you grandpa!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Emily is such a blessing to us
We gathered most of our family together to bless her on August 1

The blanket was made by Dave when we had David and we've used it with all of our babies for their blessing
I bought the bonnet in Brugge Belgium in 2007 knowing we wanted to have more children. Ben got to use the booties I bought and Emily the bonnet.

Of course the girls want to get in on the picture action

This picture really makes me mad, David is making that face in all 7 of the pictures we took! What a stinker.
Dave's parents visiting us