I know I haven't posted in near to forever...that is what happens when you are "on vacation". Although there are a few bloggers I read who are die hards and do post when they are out & about-which I love so I can still get my blogging fix even though my blog remains silent. Not me though. I am a routine person...and that not only goes for what I do during the day but also what I eat, I like to eat the same things for breakfast every morning, have the same things at my favorite restaurants...etc. So when my routine is thrown off I am pretty much a complete mess.
Catching up, we are still here mooching off my parents. I have stayed here longer though, when I came home to visit from Germany in 06 we stayed for over 8 weeks...that was because we couldn't catch a military flight back (which are free) and had to suck it up and buy commercial tickets so our trip lasted longer than planned. But anyway, it has been fun being here, I love that my brothers & sisters are close and we can party every day, that is totally new for me. And I love being with my mom all day, we share the housework and we both love to cook so we have been having fun planning meals. We have been looking at houses and found a few that we like and a practice that we are just waiting on numbers & etc. so we can decide if it is the one we want to buy. The whole thing is such a process and it is difficult to wait sometimes. We do have faith that everything will work out, it just isn't always clear how it will work out or HOW LONG it is going to take. But we are both grateful we saved all this vacation time the last 4 years so we can have a 3 month vacation while we finalize the rest of our life.
We have gotten up to Seattle to see Dave's parents and visited with all the grandparents. We hadn't seen Dave's grandparents since 2006 so that was nice to visit with them and visit with my grandparents too.
Last week David had a rocket derby at cub scouts, he is in a great cub scout pack and is having fun with that. One of the other boys in the pack is the son of a guy I grew up in the same ward with-surreal.
David & JR Scukanic (John's son) doing a skit
Savannah is loving school and has made a little neighborhood friend that she loves to play with. She love love loves her teacher and fits right in with a group of girls in her class.
Bella is loving life at home being spoiled by grandma. She is learning to share toys with cousins and play nice with others since she has been the solo one at home for so long this is kind of a new concept and she is loving having all the kids around to play with.
This week the littlest man turned 4 months. He is rolling over, and loves to stand up and play in his exersaucer, until he hits his nose on a toy since he still is wobbly bobbly.
As for me I have discovered how comforting 5 little m & m's are when you are stressed...the downside being that 5 m & m's over the course of the day can if you are not careful turn into 50 m & m's...
Now that this has been way too long, I promise to keep the blog updated more frequently.
Glad to hear your are enjoying your family. It will be nice to get back into your own routine, once things get back to a new "normal." We wish Greg had leave, we would be out by now!! A surge of troops just returned, so Greg is doing exams like crazy, and will have to start weekend work in the Army...just one little more reminder of why we are standing on our heads to be civilians :)
shoot! i wish we could have seen you! i didn't know you were here. next time!!
you are back on the bloggin train headed for nowhere! I have missed your updates! When you are feeling settled in (if that is even possible with so many changes still to come)Let's do lunch or play .... Let's get together ya ya ya!
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