Engagement Pictures 1995
In a previous post, I mis-labeled my sweet sister as my BFF. I was informed that the word BEST indicates the numero uno, the top, the biggest kahuna of all kahunas and therefore the term BEST friend should really only be used to denote the person who is truly my world and that would of course be my husband Dave.
When I think of best friends, I usually put that into the girl category and husbands are in another category and so that is where I made the mistake. Of course my best GIRL friends are my sisters & mom. But if we are talking any relationship, then the best friend in my life would always be Dave. There is no comparison, he is my favorite. And since tomorrow is Tuesday I will share with you 10 reasons why Dave is my best friend, and always will be of course.
Portland Temple Atrium, Jan 5, 1996
Just so I am perfectly clear, these are in no particular order.
1. He always makes me laugh...even when I really don't want to laugh, he is still there trying to crack jokes and make me laugh. I always know when it is time for an epidural because he is no longer funny, in fact that is when his joking makes me mad. But then the anesthesiologist comes and then I can laugh again.
2. He knows all my inside jokes, can finish my sentences, and makes fun of the same things, or laughs at the same things I do. We have been sharing our life since 1995 and that makes for a lot of inside jokes.

The day we got engaged, Oct 2, 1995
3. He loves me in spite of and sometimes, I think, because of all my neurosis. Enough said!
4. He goes to museums and plays with me even though he'd rather be home watching a game or reading a book. In fact, we went to at leats one museum usually more than one in every city in Europe we visited, now that is LOVE!5. He is a good father to our children, what more can a mother ask for.

At our reception, lovely winter theme. I LOVED my dress & flowers but mostly the man I was standing next too!
6. He will stay up late at night when I want to talk. He makes a big fuss like he hates it, but I know inside he secretly loves it. Now for those who know Dave, he loves to go to bed really early and get up really early, so you know what a sacrifice this is.
7. He has the most beautiful blue eyes, now I know this isn't really a "friend" quality and I am only supposed to be listing "friend" qualities, but this is my list and I can do what I want.8. He helps me with my math. I don't need to go into more detail than that do I?? Most of you know I am bad at math!
9. He pushes me to be better and loves me regardless of all my weaknesses.
10. He knows when I need love and freely gives it.
I love you dearest, you are my best friend forever! 

This is my favorite of our wedding pictures, the photographer was standing on the other side of the reflection pool, we were goofing around between shots, my dad took this from behind.
I loved reading all of this. I think all the pictures were my favorite. I have a silly question. What does the extra F in BFF mean. That term came into use after I came here. So I am behind.
I love the picture of you guys with the unbrella.....only in the Northwest! So cute.
Aww how incredibly cute!!! I love you and Dave's relationship and i hope mine is like yours! I admire both of you so much and look up to you.
Those are the sweetest pictures! And a lovely post too. You guys are such an awesome family. I just caught up on your blog and enjoyed it all so much! You inspire me.
Oh I love this post. I love the pictures. I miss you both and your sweet kids. I hate that we aren't even in the same time zone lol.
I feel the very same way about my husband. You are so good with words. I love this post!
Those are fun pictures!
Your just so cute. The day emma looked at my wedding picture and asked "who is that" I knew I was getting old.
you guys were babies! BABIES... getting married! Ahhh young love! Thanks for sharing! I love that last picture the best too!
well wasn't that just incredibly sweet! I love seeing couples express these kind of things...I think it's like bearing your testimony, saying it out loud makes it stronger.
I like your post, what cute pictures of you guys.
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