Thursday, September 25, 2008

I don't believe in that cold fusion mumbo jumbo...

I just put that title in so my sister could get a laugh but it actually has nothing to do with the post I wanted to write. Just one of my favorite movie lines.

My friend does a fun thing called 10 on Tuesday, 10 random things about her day. I thought that was a really fun thing to do and a great idea. This is supposed to be a journal and most of the things we do are not super exciting, but still constitute the joy of our every day life. So of course I am going to copy her idea. But I didn't want to wait until next Tuesday to start so since it is Thursday, I thought I could do 30 on Thursday or 3 on Thursday so I am going with 3 on Thursday (and I know you readers are giving a giant sigh of relief).

1. Alone time with Savannah is precious. Thursdays Savannah goes to a special program called EXCEL...well today was her first day this morning we got to spend some alone time walking to the bus, early. Early for me. The last 2 school districts they have been in I haven't had to walk them so I usually stay in my jammies until all the kids are gone and I can spend time getting myself fixed up cute. So I left the littles at home with David (just around the corner mind you) and walked in the glorious-after rain fresh air with a sweet sweet little girl. Who was a little nervous about riding a big bus with kids she didn't really know, without older brother there holding her hand. I have set a goal to take each of my kids on a one-on-one date every month because I feel like I need to enjoy them more.
Savannah practicing Ballet at the Paris Operahouse
2. Jellie Bellies taste really yummy if you've had a difficult morning. Isabella was in one of her moods. She is our very passionate, very headstrong little girl. And by headstrong-I mean literally headbutting me this morning to get her way. Soooo I had a bit of a freak out moment. Both of us in tears as I tried to explain that mommy really needed to get some work done without her headbutting me & Benj. So afterwards, we went to Safeway to buy a little treat. Mommies need treats too you know.

3. Dinner was delicious-bruschetta chicken-so easy, a must try recipe. Yummy, filling, smelling good in the kitchen while it bakes. Delicious! There is nothing like a clean kitchen & warm food smells coming from the oven to remind you to count your blessings.

PS. Going through my photos to add to my digital photo frame...oldies but goodies today:

This wonderful country is where my baby brother is a district leader...we loved Luxembourg, the walls are a fortress that surround the whole city-it is awesome!


Rebecca said...

I love that movie! What an awesome goal to have one on one time. I'll have to copy that! Check my blog, I made some big changes...well, big for me. Love ya.

Dents said...

"You're a very pretty lady." That is a favorite movie of ours also, for some reason my favorite quotes didn't sound appropriate for your blog when I typed them out :)

I don't think Brittany will be doing a blog in her lifetime. Did you hear she was just made RS president?!

I am still not sure about Oct 25th, we may be out of town.