Monday, December 22, 2008

Oh What Do You Do...

in the winter time when there's a foot of snow on the ground?

Well if you lived back East, or in Utah or other such places, life would go on as normal. But here where snow is still magical, mystical and scary to drive in with all the crazies on the road. You:

Have fun breakfasts, and drink lots of cocoa
Craft, and color to your hearts content

Sit back and admire all your beautiful decorations...and then notice your tree is slowly starting to tip forward from being pulled on by Ben & Bella

rearrange the decorations in the house 20 bajillion times a day after Bella goes through & redecorates everything...exhibit A

exhibit B...all nativity personnell must face baby Jesus, even you little sheep

Count how many days are left until Christmas-those would be the doors that are still closed
Watch 1001 videos and learn to dance like a princess

Take crazy pictures of the littles while the bigger ones are out sledding

Take lots of pictures of the winter wonderland....we have icicles...icicles for goodness sake!!

Can you believe how much snow is on the deck? And no, that is not my poorly manicured lawn, that would be the view of the wetland behind our house...

My little santa flag barely sticking out of the snow!!

For those of you who are wondering, yes the girls are still sleeping with their pajamas backwards, but not with spoons under their pillows anymore. And Dave is really hoping for a white Christmas, he has never had one before so we might see him sleep with a spoon under his pillow tomorrow night!


Rebecca said...

I am so jealous of your icicles. I didn't notice them when we came over. You should come over and go sledding with us. I got out the boogie boards we use at the beach and they FLY. Plus, if you are brave enough you can stand up on them and face plant in the snow like me! I love this and hope it stays a few more days!

Deon said...

The snow is so beautiful!!! I grew up in Montana and miss the snow so much. I really don't miss the cold that comes with it though. Have a Very Merry Christmas!

Mandi said...

wow! you that is alot of snow...sounds like our days here, Ben and I's car is snowed in! =) I noticed the little holland shoe them.

Taffers Dawn said...


anna said...

that's so funny! isla has been sleeping with her pajamas INSIDE OUT. it must be a tacoma/vancouver thing. she put a penny in her spoon. but a couple days ago she decided snow was toooo cold and stopped both practices. it hasn't snowed yet. but it also hasn't left. i love it! i am hoping for a white christmas TOO. i don't think i have ever had one.

Anonymous said...

It's too bad you couldn't go to Seattle this year for Christmas! The snow was just too much of a challenge. How was the progressive dinner last Sun.? I haven't talked to your mom about it. Hope you have a merry Christmas and enjoy the call from Trav. Lori

Lynn Lambert said...

All the snow looks fun, but I'm glad we don't get any here! I can wait for a few years :) Enjoy some of it for us.

Harold said...

I love the snow if there is no where to go, but driving in it with the crazies, that is just scary. Looks like you made the most of your time at home.