Tuesday, March 18, 2008

When it rains...

I was going to post yesterday about our car issues (long story)...but then I read a friends blog and found out another friend from college-who I haven't kept in touch with the last 5 years- had passed away. He passed swiftly and suddenly, leaving his wife-another friend and their 5 children behind. Reading about his illness and reading her posts and sharing in her faith reminded me about the important things in life. Enjoying every minute-enjoying those you love. I wish the last 5 years that we had stayed in touch with the Eppersons because now those moments are gone. I know that death is not the end and this sweet family will be together again, but I still believe that every minute we have here on earth is important. Rather than focus on the negative issues in our lives, we need to see the positive. Rather than get irritated with our children or husbands, tell them you love them, give them a sweet hug & kiss. Enjoy the spring flowers, the rain that brings with it not clouds, but growth. Just thought I'd share that today, not to be depressing but to share with you my friends & super awesome family that I care about each of you. And for those in Washington, I CANNOT WAIT to see you all again. So here is a picture of Boo (Bella) holding her new little brother in the hospital, enjoying the promise of new life.


Anonymous said...

Good Post Rachel - we look forward to seeing you too.

PS - on a lighter note - they're filming twilight up at Kalama HS this week. Can anyone say, fieldtrip?

anna said...

absolutely! thanks for posting these thoughts. i need this today! and i love that picture, it truly is sweet to see how much the sibs love each other instantly!!

Rebecca said...

Does Patty still live in Battleground? Are you gonna see her when you get here? I love you too sis!

Kailey said...

I'm really sorry to hear about your friend. Your are an awesome example of just loving each moment. This is an inspiring post. Thank you for the reminder of how precious life is. I think we forget to cherish the little things too often. Love ya!

Kjrsten said...

This was a lovely post, JUST lovely! You are have SO MUCH raquel in you, I LOVE IT! You are such a sweet cousin, thank you for this post!