Saturday, November 15, 2008

Shockingly Good Parenting

Ever stuck your finger in a light socket? Me neither....but both of my sons now have. David when he was 3 stuck a fork in a light socket to see what would happen (lights shorted out in the whole house), and last night Ben stuck his finger in a light socket.

Now, to show you that I am not a horrible horrible parent, I will explain that I DO have light socket protectors on the main floor where Ben plays, but since I don't let him roam free upstairs due to the landing and stairs being pretty steep I never put socket covers up there. Last night, Dave was consoling me. I had gotten my feelings hurt on Thursday and we have both been so busy I had hardly had time to talk to him. So when he got home at 6:30, I had been stewing all day so I needed some good talking time with him. We were still talking and letting Ben play around on the landing while we sat on the stairs and of course he crawled to the light socket - where we have a night light since our kids are afraid of the dark- and stuck his fingers right in. Poor baby just howled and howled and hugged his daddy.

So now that he is feeling better, my general question do you get over hurt feelings without confronting the person and causing major confrontation and drama. (two things I HATE)

And since I can't post without pictures and I haven't loaded any from my camera, here are some old pictures I've been getting ready to scrapbook:

Our very first walk at our new house 2004 I've been missing these beucolic scenes as I walk through neighborhood subdivisions recently:

home again home again jiggity jig


Melani said...

Oh miss Germany too! I remember your lovely home! Poor little Ben :( Good luck with the person who hurt your feelings. I hate that feeling. Just remember you are amazing! Your one of the most positive, kind people I know.

Kjrsten said...

subdivisions of america have got nothing on those germany streets of yours! I love seeing them!

Awesome parenting skills! We all have them, they make us humble in the very least right?

As for the hurt feelings, I wish I new more about the story but my first thought was that usually we hurt others feelings without even knowing it, so maybe take that into consideration, that the person didn't mean to offend, and it was by mistake? I hate confrontation too! I am the peacemaker by nature, and would rather sweep it under the rug than confront. I hope you are feeling better!

PS...Let's get together ya ya ya!

Kristin D. said...

Poor little guy. I am sorry for your hurt feelings too.

Rebecca said...

Come what may and love it (or him or her). Easier said than done. But at least you'll know you tried.

Heidi said...

oh my gosh it is GORGEOUS! I want to live there. I wonder if you can find any views like that in Vancouver anymore. You need to remember some people are retarded and like to say retarded things. who ever it is is just jealous cause your awesome and have an awesome family.

Deon said...

What beautiful pictures! I would love to go over there. I caught Jacob sticking a stick in a light socket once. Poor Ben.
I hope everything works out well for you. You are an amazing person!

Harold said...

Let me know when you figure out how to deal with the hurt feelings thing. I sure could use the answer to that right now myself. I do think when people get jealous they can be pretty nasty. As for talking to the person, I have never had that work out so well. Some people just suck! (How's that for a mature response)